Instant Magic Oracle

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The world may seem like an unpredictable and scary place, but the answer to all of life’s questions lie within us – your higher self can give you some cosmic insight. Instant Magic is a magical guide by expert witch Semra Haksever that will help you navigate whatever life may throw at you.

The way to use the book is simple: take a few deep breaths, run your fingers along the edge of the book while thinking of a question you would like the answer to. When the time feels right, open the book and read the spiritual guidance. You might be encouraged to call a friend, set some intentions in time for the new moon, or the page could contain a spell to cast. Many people love the idea of injecting some magic into their lives but ay not have the time. Semra combines her knowledge of witchcraft and spells to make this a one-of-a-kind magical book that can help you to navigate your life, instantly.

The perfect resource in these uncertain times, this little book is great both for those who want some magic every day and those who are just looking to dip in once in a while for a bit of clarity

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