Wall Art

Welcome to our beautiful collection of Wall Art at Becca Rose! We’re thrilled to feature stunning pieces from talented artists Caitlin McCarthy Art, Bee's Knees Industries, and Jess Weymouth. Each piece in this collection is chosen to bring a touch of magic and inspiration to your space.

Caitlin McCarthy Art – Caitlin’s work is a vibrant celebration of color and whimsy. Her pieces often feature enchanting scenes of nature, animals, and celestial bodies, bringing a sense of joy and wonder into your home.

Bee's Knees Industries – Known for their delightful and quirky designs, Bee's Knees Industries offers art that’s playful and full of personality. Their pieces are perfect for adding a touch of fun and creativity to any room.

Jess Weymouth – Jess’s art is a beautiful blend of mysticism and elegance. Her ethereal creations often include elements of the cosmos, flora, and fauna, inviting you to explore the deeper connections between nature and spirit.

Whether you’re looking to create a calming sanctuary, a vibrant living area, or a whimsical nook, our wall art collection has something for every style and space. Each piece is more than just decor—it’s a source of inspiration and a reflection of your unique spirit.

Explore our collection and let these beautiful artworks transform your home.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Wall Art

1. What makes the artwork from Caitlin McCarthy, Bee's Knees Industries, and Jess Weymouth unique?

Each artist brings their own unique touch to our collection. Caitlin McCarthy's art is vibrant and whimsical, featuring enchanting scenes of nature and celestial bodies. Bee's Knees Industries offers playful, quirky designs full of personality. Jess Weymouth's pieces blend mysticism and elegance, often incorporating cosmic and natural elements. Together, they create a diverse and inspiring selection for your home.

2. Are the prints available in different sizes and formats?

Yes, our wall art collection offers a variety of sizes and formats to suit your space and style. Whether you’re looking for a small, framed piece to add a touch of magic to a nook or a large canvas to make a bold statement, you’ll find options that fit your needs perfectly.

3. How should I choose the right piece for my space?

Trust your intuition and consider the energy you want to bring into your space. Caitlin McCarthy’s colorful and whimsical pieces can brighten up any room, Bee's Knees Industries’ quirky designs add a fun touch, and Jess Weymouth’s mystical art brings a serene, reflective vibe. Think about the mood you want to create and choose artwork that resonates with you.

3. Can I get recommendations for coordinating multiple pieces together?

Trust your intuition and consider the energy you want to bring into your space. Caitlin McCarthy’s colorful and whimsical pieces can brighten up any room, Bee's Knees Industries’ quirky designs add a fun touch, and Jess Weymouth’s mystical art brings a serene, reflective vibe. Think about the mood you want to create and choose artwork that resonates with you.

4. Can I get recommendations for coordinating multiple pieces together?

Absolutely! We love helping you create a cohesive look with our wall art. You can mix and match pieces from different artists for a dynamic and eclectic feel or choose several pieces from the same artist for a more unified look. Reach out to us for personalized recommendations based on your style and space.

5. How do I care for my wall art to ensure it lasts?

To keep your wall art looking its best, avoid placing it in direct sunlight to prevent fading. Dust your artwork regularly with a soft cloth, and if needed, use a gentle, dry brush for any intricate details. For framed pieces, ensure the frame is securely fastened and check periodically for any signs of wear.